California JusticeCorps is an AmeriCorps program employing an innovative approach to solving one of the more pressing issues faced by courts around the country today: providing equal access to justice. JusticeCorps recruits and trains university students annually to serve in overburdened legal self-help centers throughout California. JusticeCorps members receive intensive training throughout the year so they can provide in-depth and individualized legal services to self-represented litigants, often in their own languages, under the supervision of an attorney. Student JusticeCorps members are involved in providing one-on-one direct service, assisting with legal workshops, helping litigants complete their legal forms, and making referrals.
Students can choose to work at service sites throughout the Bay Area. The site closest to campus is the Superior Court of San Mateo County located in Redwood City. Recruitment begins each December for the three-quarter program, which starts the following September.
Service required by group to fulfill a Cardinal Commitment: JusticeCorps members will serve 8 hours a week in the Redwood City court house over the course of the 3-quarter academic year. During this time, students will work one on one with self-represented litigants providing them with legal information and assistance in family law and restraining order cases.
Cardinal Commitment Mentor: Each student will be supervised by an attorney or other court staff.
Applications open each year in December.
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