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Cardinal Courses
Courses for credit

Writing & Rhetoric 2: Once Upon a Cause: Producing Picture Books for Local Children

Quarter-long course
Education & Youth Development
Writing & Rhetoric 2: Once Upon a Cause: Producing Picture Books for Local Children
PWR 2 courses focus on developing strategies for presenting research-based arguments in both written and oral/multimedia genres. This course asks why did we want to hear and see and read our favorite picture books again and again? What was the secret to their magic? In this course you'll not only analyze that "magic" and do research on this topic, but will also collaborate closely with a group of classmates to create an original, compelling, and educationally appropriate picture book for second-graders. For video and full course description visit For all PWR2s visit Enrollment is handled by the PWR office. Prerequisite: PWR 1. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center





September 26, 2023 | 12:00 AM
* This Application Deadline has passed

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Cardinal Service Notation
Students who complete three Cardinal Courses are eligible for the Cardinal Service transcript notation. Learn more

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