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John and Jackie Lewis Fund
Grant / stipend

John and Jackie Lewis Fund

Multi-quarter part-time

The John and Jackie Lewis Fund supports graduate students, predoctoral and postdoctoral students working on matters related to Asia. In particular this fund’s purpose is to help facilitate and support collaborative opportunities between members of FSI and members from institutions located in Asia. Grants are up to $1000 or dependent on need.


Graduate students and predoctoral and postdoctoral students working on matters related to Asia.

Stanford University graduate students must already be working with FSI associated faculty on matters related to Asia or on collaborative projects with members from institutions located in Asia. Open to predoctoral and postdoctoral fellows of FSI, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, or CISAC, working on matters related to Asia or on collaborative projects with members from institutions located in Asia.





Open To

Graduate Students

Offered By

Center for International Security and Cooperation
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