Stanford ChEM-H Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) Training Program
The Program provides graduate students with a community of cross-disciplinary peers and mentors that will broaden their exposure to scientific topics, perspectives, and techniques for investigation and will enhance their ability to effectively contribute in an increasingly multidisciplinary research environment. Students in the Program fulfill all of their departmental requirements and receive their PhD degree through their home departments.
Key elements of the program include:
- First year lab rotations
- Interdisciplinary and translational coursework that can be taken as departmental electives
- Monthly seminars and an annual retreat
- Presentation of either a poster or talk at a conference, supported by Stanford ChEM-H
- Career development activities
CBI trainees have access to a diverse group of faculty mentors from across the university.
Incoming Ph.D. students interested in exploring the interface between chemistry, biology, engineering, and medicine are encouraged to apply once they are admitted to a home department program at Stanford. Current MSTP students may apply during winter/spring of their M1, M2, or G1 year. Women, underrepresented minorities, and students with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Students should have an interest in conducting research at the chemistry/biology interface. Admission as a PhD program in a Stanford program in chemistry, engineering, or the biosciences is required.