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Cardinal Courses
Courses for credit

Second-Year Spanish: Emphasis on Service Learning, Third Quarter

Quarter-long course
Education & Youth Development
Second-Year Spanish: Emphasis on Service Learning, Third Quarter
Continuation of SPANLANG 12. Immigration & Citizenship. Sequence integrating community engaged learning, culture and language with emphasis on developing advanced proficiency in oral and written discourse. Targeted functional abilities include presentational and socioculturally appropriate language in formal and informal, community and professional contexts. SL content focuses on immersion in civics-based service learning in the Spanish-speaking local community. In this course, you will dedicate 2 hours/week to supporting recently arrived Spanish-speaking youth from Latin America in their academic and personal development at a local high school. This fully immersive experience is conducted entirely in Spanish, enriching your Stanford experience through meaningful, hands-on community involvement. This Service-Learning Course is a Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center and it fulfills the language requirement for the International Relations major. Prerequisites: Placement Test or completion of SPANLANG 12C, 12R, 12SL, 12M, or 12S. Once enrolled you will be required to have a tuberculosis test, a background check, and a 3 min preparation form.





September 23, 2024 | 12:00 AM
* This Application Deadline has passed

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Cardinal Service Notation
Students who complete three Cardinal Courses are eligible for the Cardinal Service transcript notation. Learn more

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