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Haas Center Cardinal Quarter fellows look at a computer in a classroom.
Cardinal Quarter
Fellowship / internship

Jane Stanford Fellowships

Quarter-long full-time
Arts & Media, 
Civic Engagement, 
Education & Youth Development, 
Environmental Sustainability, 
Human Rights, 
Law, Policy & Justice, 
Technology & Engineering

Through the Jane Stanford Fellowship, undergraduate students take a quarter-long Leave of Absence from Stanford to design and implement a service experience during the fall, winter or spring quarter in the U.S. or abroad. Applicants propose their own placements with organizations with which they have corresponded before the application deadline and effectively demonstrate that their intended partner organization has the need, interest and capacity to work with a fellow and to support the proposed project/work plan. 

Each Jane Stanford Fellow receives a base stipend of $7000 to support travel and living expenses during the fellowship. Financial aid and supplemental funding is available to students who qualify.


Autumn, Spring, Winter


United States

Open To


Offered By

Haas Center for Public Service
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