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Cardinal Quarter
Fellowship / internship

Community Service Work-Study Program

Quarter-long full-time
Arts & Media, 
Civic Engagement, 
Education & Youth Development, 
Environmental Sustainability, 
Human Rights, 
Law, Policy & Justice, 
Technology & Engineering

The Community Service Work-Study (CSWS) Program provides academic year and summer employment opportunities for currently enrolled students who receive financial aid at Stanford. It allows them to combine the financial need to work with the personal goal of helping the community. Eligible students have the freedom to design a service experience in collaboration with a partnering organization. 

CSWS resources

CSWS is a federally-supported program, co-administered for Stanford by the Haas Center and the Financial Aid Office.


All work-study students are employed through Stanford University. The Financial Aid Office determines eligibility and the maximum earnings each student is allowed per quarter during the academic year.

  • Currently enrolled undergraduate students who have a financial aid package may qualify for CSWS
  • International students are not eligible


  • All applicants must obtain a Community Service Federal Work-Study authorization from the Financial Aid Office to complete their application. 
  • Email to check your eligibility and receive your authorization email.

Contact a CSWS peer advisor to learn more about requirements and get assistance with the application requirements.




United States

Open To


Offered By

Haas Center for Public Service
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