Cardinal Courses
Courses for credit
Communicating Science in Public Spaces
Quarter-long course
Technology & Engineering
Communicating Science in Public Spaces
From the fossil dinosaurs of natural history museums to the hands-on experiences of the Exploratorium, science museums offer rich opportunities for the general public to learn about diverse scientific topics. In this course, we'll go behind the scenes to see how museum exhibits, both physical and virtual, are designed and built. We will have guest lectures from museum curators and exhibit designers, and we will take field trips to experience first-hand how science can be communicated in public spaces. Using this information, we will then design and build exhibits to be displayed on campus or with a community partner. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center. This course does not fulfill the WR1 or WR2 requirement.
Open To
Cardinal Service Notation
Students who complete three Cardinal Courses are eligible for the Cardinal Service transcript notation. Learn more