The Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign offers a portfolio of courses to engage Stanford students in the important challenge of reinventing healthcare with the help of technology. Each of our courses teaches our need-driven, value-based approach to health technology innovation and how to apply it to improve lives everywhere.
The purpose of the program is to provide high-performing teams with additional time and resources to help them advance their technologies. We are also focused on extending the learning experience to help prepare these aspiring innovators for careers in health technology innovation.
Biodesign NEXT extension funding is typically awarded to teams in the 1-2 quarters immediately following the course in which their projects were initiated.
Student Teams from BIOE 273, BIOE 141 A/B, MED 275B are encouraged to apply. Approximately two teams per course will be chosen for extension funding awards each year, with priority given to those that include one or more undergraduate students.